Fr. Kim Guiser became the Rector of Saint Mark's, arriving in May of 2019.
He leads the Outreach and Development ministries.
The Rev. Dr. Asha George-Guiser leads the Adult Faith Formation classes and is a professional marriage and family therapist.
Julie Combs, Senior Warden
Amanda Costanza, Clerk
Joe Orlando
Toni McLauchlan
Burt Todd
Sandy Shaffer
Brittney Urban
Kim Symonds
Treasurer - Liz Hughes
Cemetery - Bob Shingle & Joe Orlando
Toni McLauchlan Administrative Assistant
Frank Weaver Property
Bob Shingle
Cemetery Chair
Holly Weaver Fellowship
Sally Nickle ECW
Ivanna Freeman Sunday School Director
Julie Combs Sr. Warden
Holy Eucharist Service 10:30 AM
10:30 AM Sunday School
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Offerings can be made online at our website or mailed to the parish house.